Sustainability Management

We are fully aware that sustainability management offers significant opportunities for protecting the reliable and reputable position we have achieved with our stakeholders. We regard sustainability management as a means to incorporate sustainability into our business model and develop our activities with an integrated approach. We know that we can only ensure effective management in an organization where all departments take ownership of this issue.

We manage sustainability with all departments taking responsibility under the supervision of senior management. Committees such as the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Executive Committee and the Corporate Governance Committee, which play an important role in corporate governance, also take active part in sustainability management. The Sustainability Working Group is responsible for monitoring the sustainability-related issues at Aygaz. The Sustainability Working Group consists of Corporate Communications Department, Finance Department, Quality System, HSE-S, Industry Relations Department and Human Resources Department. The Sustainability Working Group also involves all Aygaz business units in its activities when required. With this approach, we ensure that representatives of all critical functions of the company participate in sustainability management.

Sustainability issues are first reported to the General Manager by the Working Group. The General Manager makes an assessment based on the current agenda and reports the findings to the Board of Directors when necessary. In this context, determining the sustainability strategies and reviewing their performance are among the responsibilities of the Board of Directors. Within the scope of sustainability management, the Integrated Management Policy, established in accordance with the strategies and targets set by the Board of Directors, ensures that corporate governance, and social and environmental issues are managed in a holistic manner.